Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Today I'm wearing a T-Shirt!

Yes indeedy!  There has been a decidedly spring-ish feel to the air the past few days and I am soaking up all the sunshine I can get.  I have been amazed at how quickly the days are changing, just a few weeks ago it was still getting dark before 5, and now its still light at close to 6.  I did enjoy some aspects of the shorter days, late sunrises meant that non morning people like me get to see them a little more often.
The sunrise walking to the bus stop at about 8am a few weeks ago
There hasn't been much excitement happening, lots of work and some walks in the park.  I'm spending a lot of time in the computer lab drawing maps for the book publication, and have settled on writing about urban agriculture for my dissertation.
Pics from the past week:
The fox that lives in our garden came back

Holyrood Park
View of the palace from the hill
looking across to Carlton Hill
View over Dynamic Earth to the Parliament
The Craigs
Making shadows in the late afternoon sun

We also got presents from Australia. Another supply of Kingston biscuits from Mum and Dad and a hand made quilt from my very talented sister.
The quilt on the sofa

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